Office: 01206 575 159 

Garage Conversions 

At Invent Architecture & Design, we’re experts in working with residential property.  
Adding an Garage Conversion to your home can be a way of gaining valuable space with minimal adjustment to the structure, meaning that your garden or driveway wont be affected by the extra space you'll receive. 
Garage conversions are a brilliant way to introduce a brand new, fresh environment for you and your family to enjoy. From a new bedroom, office, library or cinema room, garage conversions are versatile and can be transformed into almost any space you require 
With a garage conversion, you also gain the added benefits such as better thermal efficiency for the rest of the property, daylight and natural views of the surrounding area.  
The most common choice is to create a bedroom for a family member, an office, or a gym which is conveniently tucked away from the rest of the family home. 

Have a Project in Mind? 

Team work makes the dream work!” 
The best building projects are created when Invent Architecture & Design and our clients work together as a team. If you have a question or would like to book in for an appointment please get in touch via the contact form below. Alternatively, if you’d like to have a chat, please give us a call on the the numbers below, or simply drop us an email! 
The Colchester Centre, Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, England, CO2 8JX 
Office: 01206 575 159 
Mobile: 07720 247 486 

Lets Talk 


Converting your Garage 

If you are looking to complete a Garage Conversion, there are a few things to bear in mind with the design process. 
Firstly, the wall structure is very likely to need a boost in insulation - this will take a little bit of space away from the internal structure. The floor will also likely require a boost as well. 
Also, if there are supporting piers in your garage, the insulation will need to be wrapped around those as well (we tend to find a lot of our clients encapsulate this change by incorporating shelves and functional alcoves). 
Your garage door will almost always need to be removed and replaced with a window unit, it's important to ensure that the change at the principal (front) elevation is sympathetic to the rest of the house, otherwise this could cause concerns at the point of a Planning Application. 
Apart from this, the primary focus is to ensure that the construction conforms to UK Current Building Regulations, which we are of course more than happy to help you with in your design journey. 

What’s Your Budget? 

In our experiences, the average cost for a Garage Conversion is usually somewhere between £15,000 and £50,000
These numbers can be influenced by the type of space you're looking to create and whether any wetroom facilities are going to be included (such as an en-suite). 
It is hard to say exactly what the overall quote will show, but we tend to find that converting a garage is definitely one of the most cost-effective ways of improving your home. 
Garage conversions can also be a beneficial way of improving the value of your property, especially when a new bedroom is introduced. We understand that the value of the property can be increased by approximately 15% - we do always recommend speaking to an Estate Agent to get full clarity on this matter though! 

How Long Does it Take? 

Work on the initial designs tends to be rather prompt with us at Invent Architecture & Design, and once we understand the layouts our clients are striving for, we can then look to move into a Planning Application package for the permissions from the Local Authority. 
Subject to external factors, consultants diaries and the time of year, we would estimate that a Garage Conversion design can be completed, approved and ready for building between 4 to 6 months from the date of our initial property survey with you. 
The building work is often around 2 months from start to finish as well, subject to the designs, meaning that you should be able to enjoy your newly formed space within the matter of 6 months or so. 
We at Invent Architecture & Desin pride ourselves on working closely with our clients. We’ll always be on hand to answer your questions if there is anything you're unsure of or need our help with. 
To book a consultation with us, simply follow the link below and we'll be more than happy to assist. 

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