Single Storey Rear Extension
Structural Engineer: Brett Design Partnership
Building Contractor: Stanway Building Solutions Limited
As time progresses, our families grow and the kids get older, meaning that there is usually a demand for making the best use of available space in every family home.
In our profession, we have found that this can sometimes mean choosing between moving home or improving where your heart really is.
This family in Essex were faced with a similar situation, and approached us with a very clear, distinct vision of what they wanted for their new rear extension designs, they required our help and expertise to transform their dreams into a reality whilst supporting them through the Planning Permission and Building Regulations processes, before preparing for the construction of the extension itself.
Our client’s family home in this project is a three storey structure with additional rooms over a carport, they had decided that they very much wanted to keep their existing Kitchen layout when they were to extend, as this was an integral part of their living.
The new Extension design has given a brand new environment, encompassing an additional 8 square metres of space, which was adapted to be enjoyed in one of the busiest and most used areas of the house. The existing french doors were later repurposed and used on the new extension to be the main entrance into the rear garden. Along the left hand elevation, we designed large sidelights to provide ambience and natural light at all times of the day.
The Final Designs
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